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High-volume Order Fulfillment Blog

Cutting-edge industry trends and practical tips to make fulfillment excellence a competitive advantage.

From clicks to bricks—why online retailers are investing in brick-and-mortar stores

In 2024, the retail landscape is coming full circle, with brick-and-mortar (B&M) stores making a resurgence. More online retailers are opening physical stores to complement their ecommerce businesses, fostering a ‘‘halo effect.’’ After a decade where ecommerce rapidly took center stage, transforming consumer behavior and leveraging technological advancements, brick-and-mortar stores are making a big comeback. […]

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10 Best Wholesale Distribution Software for 2023

Wholesale distribution is big business with a market size of about $12 trillion. However, many wholesale distributors aren’t reaching their full potential due to inventory and shipping management problems, high overheads, and other challenges. Are you struggling to scale your distribution business? Wholesale distribution software can help you overcome the above challenges and enhance your […]

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Leveraging Section 321 Imports for Duty-Free Customs Clearance

Global supply chains have continued to evolve in order to support the expanding, interconnected world of ecommerce. And although international supply chains and consumerism are on the rise, importing and exporting products remain complex. Businesses managing global imports have faced significant disruptions in recent years, especially in light of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions. Higher duty […]

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WMS Cost Justification: The Secrets to Making Your WMS Pay for Itself

Between fluctuating consumer trends, manufacturing shortages and setbacks stemming from unforeseeable global events, today’s supply chains are experiencing more uncertainty than ever. Add to it surges in demand, limited industrial space, and increased competition from emerging technologies, and it is easy to see why direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands, retailers and logistics providers are anxious to safeguard […]

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How Warehouses Can Help Combat DTC Package Theft

When it comes to direct-to-consumer (DTC) operations, package theft, also known as “porch piracy,” has become a major problem for today’s ecommerce consumers and fulfillment operations. According to safety and security data organizations like SafeWise, incident rates of package theft cost Americans $19.5 billion in 2022 alone. That’s 260 million instances of porch piracy last […]

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