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High-volume Order Fulfillment Blog

Cutting-edge industry trends and practical tips to make fulfillment excellence a competitive advantage.

From clicks to bricks—why online retailers are investing in brick-and-mortar stores

In 2024, the retail landscape is coming full circle, with brick-and-mortar (B&M) stores making a resurgence. More online retailers are opening physical stores to complement their ecommerce businesses, fostering a ‘‘halo effect.’’ After a decade where ecommerce rapidly took center stage, transforming consumer behavior and leveraging technological advancements, brick-and-mortar stores are making a big comeback. […]

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Leveraging Section 321 Imports for Duty-Free Customs Clearance

Global supply chains have continued to evolve in order to support the expanding, interconnected world of ecommerce. And although international supply chains and consumerism are on the rise, importing and exporting products remain complex. Businesses managing global imports have faced significant disruptions in recent years, especially in light of lockdowns and pandemic restrictions. Higher duty […]

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Comprehensive Warehouse Checklist for Peak Season Planning

Peak season is a crucial time for brands, online sellers, fulfillment networks and third-party logistics (3PLs) providers, but it presents as many challenges as it does opportunities. With the right strategies and preparation, warehouse operations can meet high-volume DTC demand efficiently and the industry’s increasingly competitive fulfillment expectations. The key is planning. In order to […]

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Top Ecommerce Fulfillment Software for 2023

Consumers are no longer willing to wait a week for their ecommerce orders. Instead, they’re demanding faster shipping times. According to recent data, 27% of consumers expect to receive their products on the same day they ordered them or within the next day. How can you meet these ever-evolving consumer demands? By optimizing your fulfillment […]

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