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The team at ShipCube has been liberating companies from the Amazon Fulfillment Network for years. Originally focused on helping international sellers fulfill orders in the U.S., ShipCube was formed to help both domestic and cross-border sellers meet rising customer delivery expectations. During the COVID-19 pandemic there was a spike in online orders and greater demand for at-home deliveries. Consumers expected rapid deliveries and easy returns and started using these criteria for their purchase decisions.

ShipCube has warehouses in Fresno, Philadelphia and New Jersey and specializes in fulfillment for clients with higher volume SKUs – including health and wellness, beauty products, apparel, and jewelry. Hooner Baweja, CEO and founder of ShipCube, knew that they would need to replace Vericore with a modern WMS for ecommerce fulfillment. They evaluated a full range a solutions and selected Logiwa because of its intuitive screens and ease of use. The first ShipCube warehouse was up and running on Logiwa in just three weeks and this warehouse quickly started to outperform the others.

Success results with Logiwa:
  • 31% faster single item order picking with Logiwa
  • 33% faster package picking with Logiwa
  • Ships 60% more orders from warehouses using Logiwa
  • Time to train new warehouse workers dropped from 40 hours to just under 4 hours – a 10x improvement
  • ShipCube selected Logiwa to replace Veracore because of the intuitive screens and ease of use
  • Implementation and rollout at the first warehouse was completed in 3 weeks
“New warehouse workers are trained and on the floor in just 3 – 4 hours with Logiwa. Logiwa is very intuitive and makes everyone more efficient.”


– Hooner Baweja, CEO and founder

“We knew we needed a modern WMS for ecommerce fulfillment. We looked at all the other solutions available and chose Logiwa for its intuitive UX and ease of use.”

Hooner Baweja

– Hooner Baweja, CEO and founder